“Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit.” 1771. Hosea Ballou.

Friday, April 15, 2011


“Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” 
1834. William Morris. 

Would you join me, as I discover and collect little inspirations along the way? 


  1. Brit, I'm SO excited you're doing this! I love that I'm not the only person out there who really enjoys doing things like this- blogging, living a healthier lifestyle, etc!

    And I agree, I never would have been motivated enough to do these things before Ayden was born- not in a million years! A lot has changed in me since he was born. Life is just that much more important!

    Great first post, I'm looking forward to more of them!! :)

  2. Thanks Abby! I'm glad you feel that way too- I think that is just one of the many miracles of having a baby.

  3. I'm SO glad you started this! What a creative title too. I couldn't come up with anything better than "Lizzie's Blob" for my title - haha! Love that William Morris quote too :)

  4. I'm excited you are doing this too! I always have the urge to de-clutter our home and lifestyle and I think reading more blogs about people actually doing it will help me take the next step! Thanks for directing me to the Live Renewed blog. Because of that I just decided to do cloth wipes along with my cloth diapers!

    I am looking forward to continuing the journey to healthier living and less cluttered life!

  5. Lizzie- I really liked the name Lizzie's Blob! Made me smile :)

    Vanessa- Cloth wipes are so easy to add to your diaper laundry! They don't increase your size load since they're so small. I use a spray bottle with a wipe solution and spray his booty directly! I didn't when he was brand new, but I tried once he was a little older & he didn't mind at all. He just smiles-like a guy would! I have some homemade ones that I received as a shower gift, but I've heard that those thin baby washcloths are perfect since they're terry/scrubby on one side & softer on the other.

    Love that you doing cloth!

  6. Brit, I am so excited you started a blog :) I Can't wait to follow you!! I have one as well :)
